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Bug#447260: live-helper: resolv.conf should be removed from cache/stages_bootstrap/etc


assume we build chrooted, then the 'real' chroot (the one which ends up
in the live system) is already copied to chroot/chroot. the 'unreal'
chroot (the one which contains the build-tools such as squashfs-tools)
needs network access to install the build-tools.

that means, that the 'taining' of chroot/etc/resolv.conf is legimit and
will not end up in the live system.

assume we build non-chrooted, then the chroot is not touched at all, and
the live-system is build with the host tools.

that means, that the chroot/etc/resolv.conf is not touched because it is
not needed to be touched, and this is what ends up in the live system.

Assumed that people always build 'in order' (by calling lh_bootstrap,
lh_chroot and lh_binary; and not individual helpers directly), then,
there is as far as I can see still no possibility that resolv.conf is
tainted in any way. Do you see any?


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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