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Cant build usb-hdd correct on 1.0~a34-1

Peter Skogstr?m wrote:
> Im using sid and cant build usb-hdd correct on 1.0~a34-1, it just drops
> the built binary.img in chroot and it isnt bootable.


I just did a build to reproduce the problem.

With live-helper 1.0~a34-1 from sid, I did build a working usb-hdd image
for sid with:

	# lh_config -d sid -b usb-hdd \
		--mirror-bootstrap http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/
	# lh_build

worked perfectly.

Maybe your build was unclean, or you continued on top of an previosly
unsuccessful/interrupted build?

> The iso get created just fine, but another small issue with that one is
> that uppward/downward arrow at the keyboard wont function at all.

At what stage are you experience the non-working of the cursor arrows?
At the bootloader? At the shell prompt of the bootet system?

The bootloader (isolinux) does not support cursor, and at the bootet
system, I do have working cursor as always. So probably, this could be
something hardware specific to your keyboard.

If you want to make sure it is, you could upload the iso image somewhere
and let other people test it.

However, in both cases, I'm afraid we need more information to help you.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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