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booting usb images created by make-live using vmware

james osburn wrote:
> how do i boot the usb images in vmware? can i boot of an image
> file or off a usb stick in vmware. also is there any difference between
> a usb stick or a compactflash?

17:50:21 < black_13> is it possible to test a usb boot image with
vmware/qemu ?
18:04:03 < panthera> black_13: no, it seems that qemu doesn't want to
boot them,
18:04:06 < panthera> but i don't know why
18:04:21 < panthera> they boot perfectly on a real system and in vmware,
but not in qemu.
18:04:33 < black_13> i am using vwmare
18:04:37 < panthera> black_13: if you want to test with qemu, just stick
with the iso images.
18:04:38 < black_13> but i though i would ask
18:05:07 < panthera> if you use vmware, create a new physical disk
pointing to the device of the usb stick
18:05:13 < panthera> e.g. /dev/sdb

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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