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Bug#1036769: lintian: Check for certificates .pem/.crt/.pkcs12 with expiry set

Control: owner -1 !


On Thu, 25 May 2023 17:27:48 +0200 Florian Lohoff <f@zz.de> wrote:
i am in the middle of a stretch rebuild for mipsel (Upgrade path from
jessie as stretch dropped 75% of supported systems with mips32)

A big issue are certificates, mostly for build tests which have an
expire date set. This causes the package to fail just because we are a
couple years behind schedule.
I am interested in taking this. I have been bitten by expired certificates in tests previously, albeit not from standalone files, but embedded in test runners. Checking of expiry of standalone certificates should be pretty simple, whereas finding embedded certificates might require a bit more magic.

I plan to employ a Perl module Net::SSL::ExpireDate to check the expiry date. It should be easy to use it in lintian code. Of course, first of all, Net::SSL::ExpireDate needs to be packaged (on salsa, no ITP yet).


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