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Re: Request to bump my access in lintian team's salsa to maintainer

Hi Axel,

On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 04:29:46AM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:
> Nilesh Patra wrote:
> > lintian seems to be having a bunch of merge requests opened against it
> > almost at all times.
> It's currently even worse as I was on holidays for several weeks and I
> am now on sick leave — unrelated to the holidays, though, just bad
> luck. (See debian-private for details.)

Yep. No worries though -- life happens :)
It'd be great to have a new lintian release once you are back, though. A
bunch of issues have been fixed meanwhile.

> > Hence, if you trust my judgement on this, would you consider to
> > bump my access to that of a maintainer so I can merge some of these
> > things on my own?
> I've upped your Lintian group membership level by one from Developer
> to Maintainer. Does that help?

That does. Thanks a lot!
I'll start merging some of the low hanging fruits now (and over next
days) mainly easy bug fixes and/or already approved MRs that are pending
Will otherwise tag you/rouca on the MRs for approval where the changes are
relatively big.

> (There's only the level "Owner" above
> that and I think that only grants additional administrative
> privileges.)

This should suffice for now. I'll bug you again if I need more
previleges :-)


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