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Bug#994414: lintian(1) says --fails-on defaults to `error`, but looks like it's `none`

Felix Lechner wrote on 15/09/2021:
Hi Paride,

On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 11:36 AM Paride Legovini <paride@debian.org> wrote:

It looks like there's a mismatch between the lintian manpage and the
actual behavior.

Yeah, the current behavior is what I would like to see, but Lintian's
new approach to the exit status generated some controversy in the
past. At this point, I would simply like to change the documentation.
Would that work for you? What is your use case, please? Thank you!

Hi Felix,

I'm fine with the current behavior. My use case is having lintian in a CI pipeline: I expected it to fail on error (as documented), but it didn't. I can easily add the proper --fail-on.

+1 for fixing the doc.



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