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Re: New upload for migration to testing, please

Felix Lechner wrote:

> That decision was taken to reconcile the output of 'git describe' with
> the peculiarities of the SemVer specification, such as:
>     "Pre-release versions have a lower precedence than the associated
> normal version."
>  and
>     "Build metadata MUST be ignored when determining version precedence."
> For future releases, it would be great if you could please leave the
> "patch" at zero and just bump the "minor" version. Otherwise, the
> relevant version calculations [3][4] do not work. Thanks!

Hm, well, I don't quite see the connection between these things or why
the code in Version.pm and add-lintian-tags couldn't be updated to
support a (widely recognised and entirely legitimate) feature of

But I'm not sure me understanding the intricacies of git-describe
really matter here. At the end of the day, bumping the patch level was
surely the correct thing to do with the bugfix 2.106.1. And if,
perhaps, doing similar bumps in the future will mean that the
versioning system on the website will be sub-optimal (although, again,
I don't quite see why or how that would be inevitable...), it would
surely be a poor trade-off to have the version string in the website
footer over having a useful version of Lintian in the archive (ie.
Lintian's core and historical users).

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org 🍥 chris-lamb.co.uk

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