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Bug#946126: lintian: Please complain about debian/NEWS.Debian

On Thu, Dec 05, 2019 at 03:13:09PM -0800, Felix Lechner wrote:
>Hi Vincent,
>On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 2:32 PM McIntyre, Vincent (CASS, Marsfield)
><Vincent.Mcintyre@csiro.au> wrote:

>> +        } elsif ($basename =~ m/^(?:.*\.)?(?:changelog|NEWS|TODO).[dD]ebian$/o) {
>My check does not currently implement the lowercase 'd'. Please let me
>know if you would like to have it.

I really don't know what's better. I lean toward adding it.

>> Do you think there should be some restriction to avoid this warning
>> when something other than debhelper is in use?
>On something like this, which is both useful and rare, I will wait for
>bug reports to complain.

Sounds like the right choice to me.

>> I'm not sure what that something other would be.
>There are other build systems. You can find a relative measure of
>their popularity on https://trends.debian.net/#build-systems.

>>  - debian/README is ignored
>I am reluctant to do anything about it. Is the file sometimes used for
>unpublished developer notes?

I don't know, it seems possible. Now I'm reluctant too.

>>  - debian/TODO gets shipped as /usr/share/doc/rkhunter/TODO.Debian,
>>    ie not gzipped.
>>  - debian/TODO.Debian is ignored.
>Thanks for looking into it. I also added TODO:
>    https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/commit/54e2611c0a65d5377ddb0abb055b8105019e974b
>> This was debhelper 12.1.1~bpo9+1, if that matters.
>You may wish to amend #429510 with information about the new Lintian
>tags if they work for you. You could even mention the unison bug and
>gently remind the debhelper folks that the issue remains open.



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