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Bug#946126: lintian: Please complain about debian/NEWS.Debian

On Thu, Dec 05, 2019 at 09:50:32AM -0800, Felix Lechner wrote:

>Implemented for NEWS, which was your primary concern:
>    https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/commit/ae38f4d7301ba8a6064025b86984d49843d61355

Looks awesome. I was working on a hack but this is much better.
One question though. This is primarily an issue for debhelper,
I can't see anything in policy that requires these naming minutiae.
So when I started hacking I was playing with checks/debhelper.pm,
something like

--- a/checks/debhelper.pm
+++ b/checks/debhelper.pm
@@ -401,6 +401,9 @@ sub run {
             # Handle "control", [<pkg>.]copyright, [<pkg>.]changelog
             # and [<pkg>.]NEWS
+        } elsif ($basename =~ m/^(?:.*\.)?(?:changelog|NEWS|TODO).[dD]ebian$/o) {
+            # Debhelper will ignore changelog-ish files with a .Debian suffix
+            tag 'dh-misnamed-changelog-in-source', $file;
         } elsif ($basename =~ m/^ex\.|\.ex$/i) {
             tag 'dh-make-template-in-source', $file;
         } elsif ($basename =~ m/^(?:(.*)\.)?maintscript$/) {

Do you think there should be some restriction to avoid this warning
when something other than debhelper is in use? I'm not sure what
that something other would be.

>> There may already be a similar check for debian/[README|TODO].Debian
>I could not find those checks, but would be happy to add the files.
>Unfortunately, I could not figure out from #429510 what the correct
>behavior should be. (For example, both README and README.Debian seem
>to be in use, but only the latter is shipped.) Please reopen the bug
>to add more files.

I think I overinterpreted one of the comments in that bug.
After rereading it (and checking by building a package - rkhunter fwiw),
 - debian/README is ignored
 - debian/README.Debian is shipped as README.Debian.gz

It seems best to leave things as they are for the README case;
the maintainer may want to have an ignored debian/README file.

I also tested TODO.
 - debian/TODO gets shipped as /usr/share/doc/rkhunter/TODO.Debian,
   ie not gzipped.
 - debian/TODO.Debian is ignored.

This was debhelper 12.1.1~bpo9+1, if that matters.


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