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Re: Renaming some Lintian test suites

[I am also on the list]

> That's neat. Does this tie-in at all with the t/scripts/
> implemented-tags.t "tag coverage" test?

My email was only about test selection, i.e. which tests in t/* are
being run (the "onlyrun" option to t/runtests). I am not sure that
intersects with t/scripts/implemented-tags.t, which I think tests that
all tags mentioned in checks/*.desc are also emitted in the
corresponding checks/*.pm.

> Speaking of which, I guess we should also be tracking our line-by-
> line test coverage too?

Are you referring to Perl coverage? I have struggled with it but hope
to implement it going forward. My new runner retains the
functionality, although the present code seems to be slow and
unsuitable for parallel processing. I did not previously work much
with such a low level of testing. Its utility may be eclipsed by my
other plans which would allow, for example, to disable at release time
any Lintian check that does not provide at least one test for each tag
it emits. Tx!

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