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Bug#767107: Lintian reports error on dependency to qt5-default but removing it causes build failures

On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 8:48 PM, Jakub Wilk <jwilk@debian.org> wrote:

This happens whether or not you have qtchooser in your package dependencies.

IANA Qt expert, but my understanding is that meson should pass the "-qt5" option to "moc" and friends; then the error will go away.

I tried this and indeed passing that argument does make the error go away. This is a bit unintuitive, because the -qt5 command line argument is not documented in the man page of qmake or moc (uic and rcc don't seem to have man pages).

As far as I'm concerned, this bug can be closed as invalid (modulo the man page issues raised above). The only people that will ever encounter this problem are people writing new build systems that support Qt5 natively and I don't think there are many of those around. :-)

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