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Bug#767107: Lintian reports error on dependency to qt5-default but removing it causes build failures

Package: lintian
Version: 2.5.30

Lintian reports an error for depending on metapackages. One of them is qt5-default. Depending on it causes errors such as this one:


However if you remove qt5-default from the list of dependencies and just add those packages that it depends on, trying to build packages in pbuilder fails with the following error message (from memory, might not be exact):

moc: can not find installation of Qt in ''

This happens whether or not you have qtchooser in your package dependencies.

Given this it seems like qt5-default should be removed from the list of metapackages Lintian warns about or the packaging of Qt5 needs to be changed so that their build tools work in pbuilder when qt5-default is not installed.


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