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Bug#598546: lintian: unsubstituted #!perl

Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> writes:
> Kevin Ryde <user42@zip.com.au> writes:
>> /usr/lib/foo scripts
> Unfortunately, people love shipping libraries with a #! line, so we get
> false positives from that.

Oh, yes, I meant more /usr/lib/mypackage/foo.sh or something like that,
or I suppose /usr/share/mypackage/foo.sh since not a binary.  Maybe all
of /usr/lib/ would have to be excluded if it's too much of a mess there.

> allows files with #! but no executable bit

Yes, sounds good.  I have in mind that the executable bit means it's
supposed to be executed, or could be executed, so check that doing so
stands a chance of working ...

I bought a packet of baby powder, mixed it up with some water and cooked
it in the oven, but it came out a blob looking nothing like a baby.

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