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Bug#598546: lintian: unsubstituted #!perl

Kevin Ryde <user42@zip.com.au> writes:

> I think I'd extend that rule to scripts anywhere with an execute bit
> set, to catch errors maybe in /usr/lib/foo scripts or wherever.

Unfortunately, people love shipping libraries with a #! line, so we get
false positives from that.

> Hmm, so a script in /bin or /usr/bin would have to have a known
> interpreter.  An executable script anywhere else doesn't have to have a
> known one, but if it is a known one then it must be correct.  Does that
> sound reasonable?

We got pushback on this before because people were using #!perl as the
first line of Perl library files as an editor hint, without any intention
that it be interpreted as an interpreter.  It might be okay if we only get
non-executable files, but then we have to be sure Lintian allows files
with #! but no executable bit in those cases.  (I can't remember the
current state of our checks there; we've gone back and forth on this a few

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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