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Bug#574293: [new check] Warn about missing Vcs-* - Debian Bug report logs

Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> writes:

> Jari Aalto <jari.aalto@cante.net> writes:
>> What about whole new category, e.g. 
>>     --display-additional-checks
>>               Display additional ("A:") tags as well. They are normally
>>               suppressed.
>>               In this category Lintian may suggest more recommended
>>               practices or scrrutinize the package even more detail.
>>               Note, that the results may not be relevant for all
>>               packages.
>> Or something along the line...
> This is what pedantic is.  If it's too pedantic even for pedantic, I don't
> think we want to commit to maintaining the tag.
> We should probably provide a documented way for people to add their own
> tags (ideally with some way of indicating that those tags aren't standard
> ones) for people who really want to add their own additional checks.

That would be welcomed. Perhaps reading an additional directory (better: directories):

    --user-conf [DIRECTORY]

With Perl, that option could be repeated to build list of directories to
use. Without a DIRECTORY argument, it could default to reading from:



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