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Bug#574293: [new check] Warn about missing Vcs-* - Debian Bug report logs

Jari Aalto <jari.aalto@cante.net> writes:

> What about whole new category, e.g. 

>     --display-additional-checks

>               Display additional ("A:") tags as well. They are normally
>               suppressed.

>               In this category Lintian may suggest more recommended
>               practices or scrrutinize the package even more detail.
>               Note, that the results may not be relevant for all
>               packages.

> Or something along the line...

This is what pedantic is.  If it's too pedantic even for pedantic, I don't
think we want to commit to maintaining the tag.

We should probably provide a documented way for people to add their own
tags (ideally with some way of indicating that those tags aren't standard
ones) for people who really want to add their own additional checks.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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