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Re: Debconf/Debcamp plans

Raphael Geissert <geissert@debian.org> writes:

> Who plans to go to debcamp and/or debconf this year?

> I do; so, if anyone else is going (which would be great! :) we should
> try to plan at least a workshop, and maybe even a talk or something.

I'll be at Debconf, but unfortunately asking Stanford to also cover
lodging for Debcamp is a bit much (and I hated living in dorms when I was
a student and don't want to go back to that :)).  I put in a proposal for
a Lintian BoF.

> It would be a great opportunity to work together in real time and real
> life to get some of the major changes we've planned done and maybe plan
> some more.

Yeah, absolutely.  I'm probably giving a presentation for the enterprise
track and there are a lot of presentations that I'm going to want to grab,
but there should be some time in there to sit down and hack on stuff

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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