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Re: Bug#564011: quilt: .pc/.version detected by lintian as a direct change in diff

Michael Gilbert <michael.s.gilbert@gmail.com> writes:

> It looks like naively updating to standards 3.8.3, without also updating
> to the new source format exposes this problem. To reproduce, download
> for example the alien-arena (7.0-1) source package (in contrib), build
> at standards 3.7.3: no warning. Change to standards 3.8.3: .pc/.version
> warning will be asserted.

Changing the standards version doesn't change anything about the build
process, so this seemed unlikely.  I did as you said above to confirm, and
indeed, I do not get any warnings about .pc/.version or any other files
under .pc.

I suspect what's happened is that you've done quilt push and quilt pop in
the source tree, and then built the package from that source tree.  quilt
pop still leaves the .pc/.version file behind, so you then end up with it
in your source package.  You have to either remove it explicitly in the
clean target (/usr/share/quilt/quilt.make does this, but the package
doesn't use that method) or remember to delete it before building a new
source package.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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