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Re: Bug#564011: quilt: .pc/.version detected by lintian as a direct change in diff

On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 08:43:03 +0100 Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> On Wed, 06 Jan 2010, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> > during the patching process, quilt creates a .pc/.version file, which
> > did not exist in the original source package.  when lintian checks the
> > package, it asserts a patch-system-but-direct-changes-in-diff warning.
> quilt creates many more files in its .pc directory and no we won't remove
> .pc/.version, it's important for quilt to know what version generated the
> metadata in .pc.
> > is there anyway to get quilt to work without this file or to say that
> > the file is ok in the lintian checks?  thanks.
> Does this file end up in your .diff.gz ?  If yes, then you're simply not
> cleaning properly in you clean rule and lintian doesn't need to be
> modified at all but your package should be fixed (and you should use the
> official quilt.make file to do the job for you, see
> /usr/share/doc/quilt/README.Debian).
> BTW you might want to use the new format "3.0 (quilt)" which auto-excludes
> .pc by default.
> Closing the bug because the bug report seem completely wrong and
> misheaded. If the advice above did not solve your concern, then reopen and
> reassign to lintian. (BTW, I think that you should question yourself a bit
> more before opening such bugs, quilt is largely used in many packages and
> such a basic problem would have been spotted ages ago if it was real)

I've been working with some existing packages recently and they use the
old quilt format, which turns out to be the culprit.  A link to your
doc on converting to 3.0 [0] would have been a sufficient response.

Thanks anyway,

[0] http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0#Doesa3.0.28quilt.29sourcepackageneedtobuild-dependonquilt.3F

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