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Re: Bits from the Lintian maintainers

Axel Beckert <abe@deuxchevaux.org> writes:

> One point though:

> I have an upstream developer who comes from Derby, England originally
> and says that some of the accused misspellings[1] are not very common
> English but nevertheless correct English -- and of course that he won't
> change them in his documentation.

>   [1] http://lintian.debian.org/maintainer/abe@deuxchevaux.org.html#dphys-config

> In particular he says that "usefull" and "authentification" are correct
> spellings.

> So maybe these warnings should be downgraded to the informational level,
> and the appropriate lintian rule could be called
> uncommon-spelling-in-manpage or so instead.

> Or are lintian overrides the better way to handle this?

My policy for varient spellings in dispute is to check the OED for British
spellings and Merriam-Webster for US spellings (since I have easy access
to both) and allow anything they allow.  Neither permits either usefull or
authentification, and I think too obscure for the OED is too obscure for
Lintian to accept since it's the dictionary of record for UK English.

So I think an override is the best approach in this situation, if your
upstream doesn't find the OED persuasive.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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