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Re: RFC: getting rid of unpack-level

Raphael Geissert <geissert@debian.org> writes:

> Recently I've been working on getting rid of the Unpack-Level stuff but
> I have a couple of concerns that I would like to sort out so that I know
> how to proceed.

> Attached is an mbox with what I've done so far so that you can take a
> look at it and understand what I'm talking about.

This generally looks great!

> Some of my concerns are:
> * By moving the level 2 code to the "unpacked" collection script I had to
> add a flag so that it can be automatically removed whenever --keep-lab is
> not requested; but this doesn't allow for the old behaviour of specifying
> an unpack level for the whole lab.

Via the configuration file, you mean?  This can be addressed by fixing the
open wishlist bug for providing a way to set Lintian options in its
configuration file.

I think the way that you're tackling this looks good, and I like the
auto-remove flag and changing --keep-lab to retain even the collect script
results that are marked auto-remove.  We can potentially use that flag for
any other collect script we get that uses a lot of space if we need to.

> * It is currently not possible to exclude a collection script, which
> removes the possibility of telling lintian to run all the checks that
> don't need the unpacked data. Adding such an option is not easy with the
> current order-number based approach; with the introduction of a
> dependencies-based system care should be taken so that collection
> scripts depending on unpacked are correctly marked as satisfied (if they
> actually are) even if unpacked is not to be executed.

Yup.  I think it's fine to break this until we have dependency-based
checks.  I suspect no one uses that flag right now anyway.

> * By getting rid of the unpack-level concept there will no longer be a
> way to indicate whether packages should only be unpacked, checked,
> removed on a lab, or whether they should be left there, or what.

I think the right direction to go here is to replace the --unpack flag
with a flag that says to only run the collect scripts (but run all of
them).  Or we could just remove it.  Here too, I think that use of this
option is quite rare and I'm not sure anyone's really going to miss it if
it's gone.  It might be worth getting rid of it for a bit to see if a use
case then surfaces where someone was relying on it and then understand
what they were trying to accomplish.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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