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Re: Severity of spelling errors

Raphael Geissert <geissert@debian.org> writes:
> Russ Allbery wrote:

>> However, spelling errors are singled out as an example of a bug that
>> should be minor severity by reportbug.  Shouldn't we change those bugs
>> to be severity: minor since we're matching Lintian tag severities with
>> bug reporting severities?

> I just re-checked the severity/certainty->EWI code translation table and
> noticed that minor/certain tags are still represented by a warning, so
> yes, I think the severity should be updated to reflect reality.

They're currently all certain except spelling-error-in-binary (which is a
bit of a special case since we may not be checking English text) and:

copyright-file.desc:Tag: spelling-error-in-copyright
copyright-file.desc-Severity: normal
copyright-file.desc-Certainty: possible
manpages.desc:Tag: manpage-has-spelling-error
manpages.desc-Severity: normal
manpages.desc-Certainty: possible
menus.desc:Tag: spelling-error-in-doc-base-title-field
menus.desc-Severity: normal
menus.desc-Certainty: possible
menus.desc:Tag: spelling-error-in-doc-base-abstract-field
menus.desc-Severity: normal
menus.desc-Certainty: possible

We seem to have a fairly good track record with the spelling checks, but
the manpage one is brand new.  I think the right thing to do is update the
certainty to certain for all of them but the copyright check and the
manpage check, with the intention of doing so with the manpage check as
well after we have some confirmation that it's as reliable as the others.

Looking at lintian.d.o, the copyright check does have a collection of
false positives.  als is a word in at least one non-English language used
in some copyright documentation, and there are several overrides for
misspellings used in licenses that we're reproducing verbatim and in
e-mail communications with upstream.  I'm therefore inclined to leave that
one as possible and let it become an I: tag.

There's one other override, for spelling-error-in-doc-base-abstract-field,
where the abstract is written in German where "programm" is a word.

The only other one that I'm unsure about is the description test, where a
certainty of certain is a bit of a reach given the number of legitimate
overrides there are (usually about Lintian's capitalization checks wanting
to capitalize program names).

> I had a hard time trying to decide which convention I should follow
> (between manpage-has-* and spelling-error-in-*). Feel free to rename it
> to follow the latter convention.

Okay, will do.

> P.S. have you had time to check some of the infrastructure changes I
> proposed?

Not yet, but I'm very close.  I've been spending the vacation digging
myself out of an e-mail hole.  :)

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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