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Bug#458896: lintian: Wrong interpreter information w.r.t. pike

Magnus Holmgren <magnus@kibibyte.se> writes:
> On lördagen den 5 januari 2008, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> There are no scripts that would be compatible with multiple versions of
>> Pike?

> Hmmm ... well, there probably exist such scripts, but they'd
> (theoretically) have to be able to work with all packages that can
> provide /usr/bin/pike, old as well as future, and that can't be
> guaranteed. Fortunately major Pike releases aren't very frequent...

I'm now treating pike like the other versioned scripts, which means that
packages that use just /usr/bin/pike require a dependency on one or more
of the known pike versions (currently pike7.6 | pike7.6-core | pike7.7 |
pike7.7-core).  It requires updating the known versions periodically, but
the new structure should be much easier to maintain.  And presumably if
someone uses /usr/bin/pike and has a dependency on pike7.6 | pike7.7, they
know what they're doing.

The known versions list in lintian is *only* used for allowable
dependencies for the unversioned interpreter.  If you use /usr/bin/pike8.4
or something else lintian doesn't know about, it will assume that means
you need a dependency on pike8.4 | pike8.4-core without needing to know
about the version number in advance.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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