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Re: lintian.d.o back up and running

On Mon, December 22, 2008 22:28, Russ Allbery wrote:
> The full archive run completed, I ran another incremental, and I've now
> reactivated the cron job.  lintian.d.o should now be back to normal.

Unfortunately incremental runs are currently broken, as
changed-packages.list is always empty.

A little debugging suggests that this broke during the move to
Lintian::Command. lib/Lab.pm spawn()s unpack/list-*pkg with default spawn
options, which means that their output doesn't end up on "lintian
--setup-lab"'s stdout and isn't captured in setup-lab.log or

I've attached a patch which resolves this for me in local testing and plan
on committing it over the weekend once I return home.

diff --git a/lib/Lab.pm b/lib/Lab.pm
index c522782..8678f00 100644
--- a/lib/Lab.pm
+++ b/lib/Lab.pm
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ sub populate_with_dist {
     debug_msg(2, "spawning list-binpkg, list-udebpkg and list-srcpkg since LINT
     my $v = $Lintian::Output::GLOBAL->verbose ? '-v' : '';
-    spawn(undef, ["$LINTIAN_ROOT/unpack/list-binpkg",
+    my %opts = ( out => $Lintian::Output::GLOBAL->stdout );
+    spawn(\%opts, ["$LINTIAN_ROOT/unpack/list-binpkg",
                  "$self->{dir}/info/binary-packages", $v])
        or fail("cannot create binary package list");
-    spawn(undef, ["$LINTIAN_ROOT/unpack/list-srcpkg",
+    spawn(\%opts, ["$LINTIAN_ROOT/unpack/list-srcpkg",
                  "$self->{dir}/info/source-packages", $v])
        or fail("cannot create source package list");
-    spawn(undef, ["$LINTIAN_ROOT/unpack/list-udebpkg",
+    spawn(\%opts, ["$LINTIAN_ROOT/unpack/list-udebpkg",
                  "$self->{dir}/info/udeb-packages", $v])
        or fail("cannot create udeb package list");

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