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Bug#503695: lintian: Add support for checking empty DP: ""

On Mon, 2008-10-27 at 18:32 +0200, jaalto wrote:
> Given following debian/patches/10_example.dpatch:
>   ## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
>   ## DP: ""
> Please add report "W: "for empty patch description. (likewise for DP: "    ")

The tag already exists - dpatch-missing-description. It currently
assumes that any comment starting "DP:" means that a description has
been provided (so long as the comment does not contain "no

I can't see any reason why the check shouldn't be extended to require a
dpatch comment line containing at least one non-space character and will
do so unless someone can suggest a good reason.

fwiw, a quick grep through lintian.d.o's laboratory indicates that there
is currently only one such patch in any package in unstable.



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