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Re: homepage in udebs?

On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 05:59:43PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org> writes:
> > I'm sponsoring ttf-khmeros, which produces a font udeb for d-i. The
> > latest ttf-khmeros update moved the homepage from the package
> > description to the new dpkg source package field. As a result, lintian
> > complains with "I: ttf-khmeros-udeb udeb: unknown-field-in-control
> > homepage". Is this a bug in dpkg-buildpackage for propagating the
> > homepage to the udeb, or a bug in lintian? I'm inclined to think the
> > former, as homepages probably aren't much use in udebs.
> I'm honestly not sure.  udebs are a bizarre special case with no complete
> specification that I know of, so there isn't really a reference for what
> they should and shouldn't have relative to a regular package.  (Ideally,
> we should specify udebs in Policy, but part of the point of udebs is that
> they often don't comply with Policy, so this is tricky.)
> I'd check with the d-i team and ask them their opinion.  I'm happy to
> modify lintian to match if needed.

With my d-i hat on, I would certainly recommend not including the
Homepage field in udebs. It's not actually forbidden as such, but any
waste of space in udebs is frowned upon.

I expect you could work around this by putting the Homepage field in the
binary stanza rather than in the source stanza.

The nearest we have to a specification of udebs is
installer/doc/devel/modules.txt in d-i SVN (which corresponds to
doc/devel/modules.txt in the debian-installer source package).


Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson@debian.org]

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