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Re: homepage in udebs?

Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org> writes:

> I'm sponsoring ttf-khmeros, which produces a font udeb for d-i. The
> latest ttf-khmeros update moved the homepage from the package
> description to the new dpkg source package field. As a result, lintian
> complains with "I: ttf-khmeros-udeb udeb: unknown-field-in-control
> homepage". Is this a bug in dpkg-buildpackage for propagating the
> homepage to the udeb, or a bug in lintian? I'm inclined to think the
> former, as homepages probably aren't much use in udebs.

I'm honestly not sure.  udebs are a bizarre special case with no complete
specification that I know of, so there isn't really a reference for what
they should and shouldn't have relative to a regular package.  (Ideally,
we should specify udebs in Policy, but part of the point of udebs is that
they often don't comply with Policy, so this is tricky.)

I'd check with the d-i team and ask them their opinion.  I'm happy to
modify lintian to match if needed.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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