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Re: erroneous Lintian report

"Martin-Éric Racine" <q-funk@iki.fi> writes:

> My Lintian report at
> http://lintian.debian.org/reports/maintainer/q-funk%40iki.fi.html
> states that:
> Source package: rus-ispell (0.99g4-7)
>   W: irussian binary:
> debian-copyright-file-uses-obsolete-national-encoding at line 3
> Yet fetching the current package from pool and extracting gives me this:
> dpkg-source: extracting rus-ispell in rus-ispell-0.99g4
> dpkg-source: unpacking rus-ispell_0.99g4.orig.tar.gz
> dpkg-source: applying ./rus-ispell_0.99g4-7.diff.gz
> <q-funk@voito:/home/q-funk/Projects>$ cd rus-ispell-0.99g4/
> <q-funk@voito:/home/q-funk/Projects/rus-ispell-0.99g4>$ file debian/copyright
> debian/copyright: UTF-8 Unicode English text
> <q-funk@voito:/home/q-funk/Projects/rus-ispell-0.99g4>$
> Did I miss anything? Isn't UTF-8 the standard these days?

No, the problem is that irussian wasn't built yet for i386 when the last
lintian run happened, so it was actually checking the old package.  This
is a long-standing bug in lintian that I haven't had a chance to fix.  I'm
thinking about completely rewriting the HTML report generation script and
will try to fix this at the same time.

It should produce good results as soon as irussian is built for i386.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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