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erroneous Lintian report


My Lintian report at
states that:

Source package: rus-ispell (0.99g4-7)

  W: irussian binary:
debian-copyright-file-uses-obsolete-national-encoding at line 3

Yet fetching the current package from pool and extracting gives me this:

dpkg-source: extracting rus-ispell in rus-ispell-0.99g4
dpkg-source: unpacking rus-ispell_0.99g4.orig.tar.gz
dpkg-source: applying ./rus-ispell_0.99g4-7.diff.gz
<q-funk@voito:/home/q-funk/Projects>$ cd rus-ispell-0.99g4/
<q-funk@voito:/home/q-funk/Projects/rus-ispell-0.99g4>$ file debian/copyright
debian/copyright: UTF-8 Unicode English text

Did I miss anything? Isn't UTF-8 the standard these days?

Martin-Éric Racine

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