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Bug#388824: select-with-translated-default-field may be a bit overzealous

Thomas Huriaux <thomas.huriaux@gmail.com> writes:

> Attached is a patch that checks source packages instead of binary
> packages. There are different advantages for this solution:
> * it can easily ignore Default: fields with brackets (i.e. when the
>   maintainer obviously wants this field translated). These brackets are
>   not included in the binary packages.
> * it catches the problem even if the package is not translated yet
> * it includes other types (not only "select" and "multiselect", it is
>   common to see things such as "Default: true" in case of boolean
>   templates marked as translatable).

I was a little worried about templates of type string, but looking through
the debconf templates on my system, marking those translatable appears to
be a problem more often than not.  For example, I'm going to go file a bug
against the postfix packages, since the default for postfix/root_address
is translated but the postfix.postinst script will treat the translated
value as a recipient e-mail address since it looks only for "NONE".

The common case is noise in the translation templates for things like
numbers and file paths that shouldn't ever be translated.

So I think this is the right thing to do, although we'll see if we get any
pushback after the next lintian release.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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