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Hi Jeremy

Glad to see the exchange you have started Jeremy.  I am a lawyer in BC
(Canada).  With the new sarge release of Debian I have switched back to
it from Mandriva here at home but at work so far (1 lawyer, 4 support
staff) only the server is Linux.  We are looking for an accounting
system (EsiLaw at esilaw.com looks like the candidate at the moment)
that we can somehow put in use without preventing a move to a full Linux
system.  It is not open source but does seem to have some limited Linux
compatibility.  The other thing that stands in the way for us at the
moment is that attempts to have staff switch to  OpenOffice from
MSOffice have met resistance.  Not sure whether it is the normal
reluctance of users to change from what they know and depend on to
something new, or whether it just isn't ready for prime time yet.  I
have never used the Tex types of software you mention.  I must look in
to that.

Eventually, it will all happen.

Hope to see Debian-Lex grow into platform for these changes.


Ken Walker, Qualicum Beach, BC

My OpenPGP Key:  https://www.biglumber.com/x/web?qs=0x561ADA409E791EEE

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