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Re: Questions about spacet cadet reverse engineering

On Mon, 2 Jan 2023 at 08:36, Stephan Verbücheln <verbuecheln@posteo.de> wrote:
> They clearly state that they decompiled binaries from Windows XP. This
> means it is a /fork/ and *not* a /clone/.
> Since I have not heard that Microsoft has put a permissive license on
> those binaries, I would expect that the restrictions of the original
> binary apply.

It may be worth asking Microsoft to release that software with an
open-source license or at least the binaries with a permissive license
that allows redistributing those files to the reversed-engineered
compiled binary to use them. After all, they did not distribute with
Windows anymore, so their profit over that software is currently zero
and they have nothing to lose about it.

Best regards, R-

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