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libfcgi-perl copyright issue

Based on my reading, the libfcgi-perl debian package has a licensing
issue.  The base package includes a file LICENSE.TERMS, which shows a
license roughly equivalent to the MIT license.  It does however
include the following phrase:

The following terms apply to all files associated with the Software
and Documentation
unless explicitly disclaimed in individual files.

There are three files, fcgios.h, os_unix.c, and os_win32.c, which
include a header that conflicts with the base MIT-style terms.  They
include the following:

 *  Copyright (c) 1995 Open Market, Inc.
 *  All rights reserved.
 *  This file contains proprietary and confidential information and
 *  remains the unpublished property of Open Market, Inc. Use,
 *  disclosure, or reproduction is prohibited except as permitted by
 *  express written license agreement with Open Market, Inc.
 *  Bill Snapper
 *  snapper@openmarket.com

This would appear to me to be "explicitly disclaimed" as not following
the LICENSE.TERMS license.  And also certainly not following the DFSG.

While I believe this conflict was an error in the initial release of
this code (nearly 20 years ago), I also don't see how this could be
resolved without an explicit relicensing by Open Market.  This may
also impact other fcgi packages in Debian.

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