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Re: Free as in speech, but not as in beer

Paul van der Vlis <paul@vandervlis.nl> writes:

> No, it's plain AGPL v3. But he asks friendly not to remove some code
> and then redistribute.

He can ask, and god luck to him. His goal, though – to arbitrarily limit
the distribution and concurrent execution of the program – is directly
opposed to the goals of the Debian Project, which explicitly seeks to
free Debian recipients from such restrictions.

The copyright holder either wants their work (including modified
versions) to be freely distributed to, *and distributed by*, any
recipients of Debian; or they don't want that.

If the restriction legally enforcible, such as in a copyright condition,
then the copyright holder's expressed wishes will be satisfied because
Debian cannot contain the work at all.

If the restriction is not legally enforcible, and the legally enforcible
license grants all DFSG freedoms, then that license is at odds with the
desire to restrict recipients. The expectation must be that we will
either remove that restriction to benefit Debian recipients; or decide
that the conflicting expressed wishes are too risky, and not include the
work in Debian at all.

Does that help?

 \     “Why doesn't Python warn that it's not 100% perfect? Are people |
  `\         just supposed to “know” this, magically?” —Mitya Sirenef, |
_o__)                                     comp.lang.python, 2012-12-27 |
Ben Finney

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