embedded world Conference Nuremberg Feb 2015 - Call for speakers at OSADL legal seminar
Dear List !
We are looking into putting together a full day seminar
on FLOSS legal issues at embedded world Conference
Nuremberg 2015
The seminar would be a full day and topics are really open
constraint only that it should address legal issues (copyright
patent,trademark,... in the context of FLOSS) - it
is a topic that the industry needs guidance on so
we would like to grab this opportunity to build contacts
to industry as well as get the basics communicated.
If anyone is interested let us know - the Open Source Automation
Development Lab (OSADL.org) would be taking care of the
coordination of this "A FLOSS legal day"
embedded world Conference
24. - 26. February 2015
(Conference language is English)
Which day it would take place is still open - our preference
would be Feb 25.
If you are interested in joining in for a 60 min slot, please let us
know including a rough topic (title and a few lines describing
the content). If we reach critical mass (that is minimum 5 contributions)
we would kick it off.
Nicholas Mc Guire
Carsten Emde
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