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Re: Unteralterbach visual novel

Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:

> As far as I understand it, in Germany, for a text / recording / drawing
> to be a criminal matter, it must depict actual abuse – meaning a child
> has to be abused for the document to be created.

That's not quite correct.

Accoding to German law, it's a misdemeanour to
- distribute or
- to display or perform child pornography in public or to make it
  publicly accessible in any other way, as is
- producing, obtaining etc. it for such purposes.

"Child pornography", in this context, means writing, sound or image
media, data storage, pictures and any other physical representations
of any sexual acts on, by or before the eyes of children, may they be
fictional or real.

It's legal to read, view and possess those representations, though, as
long as they are not depictions of actual and (fictional, but)
realistical abuse. Those pictures, films and videos are illegal even
to possess or try to procure possession of. 

> Quote: <http://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2013-06/kinderpornographie>

That decision of the German Federal Court of Justice refers to the
possession of pornographic writings. They're illegal to distribute,
but not to possess.


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