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Re: Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-SA draft available

<quote name="Paul Wise" date="2012-04-10" time="11:27:52 +0800">
> AFAICT Creative Commons folks never think about this aspect of Free
> Culture.

Donning my CC hat now (I work for CC):
CC definitely thinks about the issue whenever it is relevant. However,
changing the main 6 (well, 4 if you throw out the 2 ND licenses, which
would make sense in this case) to include a source requirement would be
a major change of course/history and take many off guard. Care must be
taken when approaching any big change like that.

Removing my CC hat and putting on my every day Greg hat:
I personally want to see more free culture + source going on in the
world, and that is why I am excited when I see projects (like GNU
MediaGoblin) incorporating support for attachments alongside images or
videos, eg: http://mediagoblin.org/images/tour/blender_attachment.png

While the legal requirement isn't there, making it technically easier
for users to do it, and encouraging it, is awesome.



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