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Re: MIT +no-false-attribs

Jérémy Lal <kapouer@melix.org> writes:

> On 06/03/2012 19:20, Isaac Schlueter wrote:
> > In other words, if the terms of this license keep npm out of Debian
> > Stable, or any particular distro, then that means it's working. The
> > fact that npm is not in the distro is worse for the distro than it
> > is for npm.

That's certainly not going to help in any discussions to work with
Debian. Maybe we would be best respecting the copyright holder's clearly
stated wishes to keep this work out of Debian.

 \        “Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas |
  `\     are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats.” |
_o__)                                                    —Howard Aiken |
Ben Finney

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