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Re: [non-free] Packaging a closed-source application with limited distribution access

On Mon, 14 Sep 2009, Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:
> I would like to package Intersystems Caché, a proprietary database by
> Intersystems and upload it to non-free.

> Questions
> - Is this kind of software, with such a limited access to the binary
> tarball, allowed to be in non-free?

If we actually have permission to distribute it on all of our mirrors
(and any future mirrors of Debian), there's no real reason why it
couldn't be distributed. However, since no one can actually use it in
any interesting way without it being licensed, I'm not sure if it
makes sense for Debian to distribute it. [It also really depends on
the terms of the actual license; Debian shouldn't be exposed to any
additional liability by distributing it.]

But that said, your question is really more of one for ftpmasters; I'd
send a message to ftpmaster@debian.org and make sure that you get the
permision required for upload initially.

Don Armstrong

Fate and Temperament are two words for one and the same concept.
 -- Novalis [Hermann Hesse _Demian_]

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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