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Re: Open logo license changed

On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 10:35:39 +0900 Paul Wise wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Francesco Poli <frx@firenze.linux.it> wrote:
> > It's bad news as well, since only the open use logo without the
> > "Debian" text has been dealt with.
> > See my unanswered questions to the previous DPL [4]
> >
> > [4] http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2007/12/msg00056.html
> You might want to ask the current DPL about this. It might have
> something to do with the font used being non-free?

Possibly (but I would rather seek to replace the font with a DFSG-free
one, rather than keeping the Open Use Logo with the "Debian" text

I am Cc:ing the current DPL, he probably can explain the rationale.
Dear DPL, please take a look at the following debian-legal thread
Could you please clarify?
Thanks in advance.

> > Moreover, this change was apparently done without any announcement,
> > after years of discussions and repeated requests.
> > I expected to hear about such a relicensing on debian-legal or on
> > debian-devel-announce, but nothing has been announced yet, AFAICT...
> Please contact leader@debian.org and ask him to announce it. Perhaps
> he is waiting for a "Bits from the DPL" email before doing so?

Of course, it's possible that this announcement will be included in the
next "Bits from the DPL".
Anyway it seems that the logo page was last updated on September 25th,
which means that the logo was relicensed no later than on last
September: I expected that a move to (partially) address a
long-discussed issue would have been announced in a brief message

 On some search engines, searching for my nickname AND
 "nano-documents" may lead you to my website...  
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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