On 3/10/07, Francesco Poli <frx@firenze.linux.it> wrote:
That is my point: if they want to forbid some possible modifications (just because those modifications would break some law) by retaining source code and/or by license restrictions, they have a non-free goal! The only reasonable justification I can think of is "we would be considered responsible if you made those modifications", but that justification would mean that the law is ill-conceived and should be changed ASAP, as I stated.
Yes, I think they probably do have a non-free goal in keeping the source code; however while there are legit uses for source I think they would assume a lot of people would do illegal modifications. Anyway this isn't sufficient justification - petition Intel like crazy and maybe they will release the source :) People can modify their Wifi equipment to go over the legal limits pretty easily anyway... -- Andrew Donnellan ajdlinuxATgmailDOTcom (primary) ajdlinuxATexemailDOTcomDOTau (secure) http://andrewdonnellan.com http://ajdlinux.wordpress.com ajdlinux@jabber.org.au hkp://subkeys.pgp.net 0x5D4C0C58 http://linux.org.au http://debian.org Get free rewards - http://ezyrewards.com/?id=23484 Spammers only === ajdspambucket@exemail.com.au ===