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Re: GFDL v2 draft 1 analysis [long]

On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:38:35 +0000 (GMT) MJ Ray wrote:

> Francesco Poli <frx@firenze.linux.it> wrote: [...]
> > So, how come the LGPL is considered a copyleft license?
> > Or even the GFDLv2draft1, for that matter: it includes one or
> > two relicensing clause(s)...
> This is a very good question and I have no answer.

Hence, you should see why I'm puzzled...

> > BTW, going back to the original issue: can you suggest a better
> > category name than "Kills copyleft"?
> "Does not ensure freedom of modified versions."

Anything shorter?

"Allows non-free derivs" ?

But it is also tradition that times *must* and always
do change, my friend.   -- from _Coming to America_
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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