Re: export to embargo countries
Scripsit (Frank Lenaerts)
> Am I correct that, in order to be able to export a product using
> Debian GNU/Linux, to countries under US embargo, I would have to
> remove all encryption related material?
The _licenses_ of the various components of Debian main should not
prevent you from exporting it to US-embargoed countries, crypto and
all. If you find any _license_ that tries to deny you that right, the
inclusion of that sofware into Debian was a bug, which we urge you to
report through our bug tracking system.
The government and legal authorities of wherever you live might place
their own restrictions on what they allow you to do; this however has
nothing to do with Debian per se, and we cannot offer you advise about
that. You should instead request advice from an attorney familiar with
your local laws.
Oh, and the U.S. might take offense of your exporting to various
countries, too, even if you don't live there. Ordinarily you wouldn't
be arrested until you choose to travel to the U.S. voluntarily, but
there are some recent alleged precedents of U.S. operatives
extradicting supposed criminals from third-party countries.
Henning Makholm "Check the sprog."
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