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Re: FYI: Savannah seems to reject "GPLv2 only" projects

Francesco Poli <frx@firenze.linux.it>
> Quote: "We cannot accept GPLv2 only".

That's dumb. Of course they *can*. They just don't want to.
So, Savannah rejects free software now, just because some developers
don't want to let people weld adverts into their manuals? Shame.

> Other similar project-hosting services?

Alioth and tuxfamily, OTTOMH. I don't know if David Desrosiers still
offers hosting.

Long term, hosting it yourself under a distributed RCS and using something
like DOAP to keep project metadata seems the best bet.  If others would
like to help document the tools and methods, please let me know and we
can make it a proof-of-concept project, hack support into existing hosts
and that sort of thing. I had a bit of an attempt with coopX some years
ago, but it was too early and didn't take off.

My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
Please follow http://www.uk.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

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