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Re: GPL v3 possible issues.

Don Armstrong <don@debian.org>
> While discussions here on the GPLv3 are quite appropriate, concerns
> about the actual draft should be voiced using gplv3.fsf.org and the
> web forms contained therein.

I have reported several defects to the FSF webmasters, but they have
gone silent recently. Have you heard anything about making the comments
system any-browser-compatible and generally accessible to all? As I
understand it, the system is RT-based, so there should a
general-purpose email interface lurking which might be usable,
rather than the reject all one.

> Otherwise the committees will have a hard time acting upon any of the
> issues that you have raised.

With the continuing inaccessible processes and the closure of
accessible forums like gplv3@fsfeurope, it should be no surprise
that this discussion is somewhat hard to follow. This is becoming
a case study in how not to run a consultation that matches the
stuff the UK Patent Office has done, in my opinion.

When will the remaining committees become public?

My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
Please follow http://www.uk.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

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