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Re: Results for Debian's Position on the GFDL

Joey Hess wrote:
Anthony DeRobertis wrote:

However, Option 1 was the consensus of this list, and thus we've been
overridden[0]. I feel that we now need to figure out why the project as
a whole has rejected the draft position statement [2]

-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[   ] Choice 1: pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820
[   ] Choice 2: pi = 3.14
[   ] Choice 3: pi = 3 [needs legislature of Indiana approval]
[   ] Choice 4: further discussion
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Attempts to legislate pi are always questionable, and when you ask a
majority of uninformed voters[3] to choose between items, it's natural
for the compromise to win, and not unheard of for it to end up "3".

You have also to admit that being informed does not necessarily means sharing your opinion?

By the way are you aware that for pi none of your proposal is true (exept maybe Choice 4 which is unclear). pi is transcendental, and in particular irrational (which implies that you cannot write it with a final number of decimal). Your choice 1 (that you maybe thought was correct) is as wrong as choice 3.


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