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Re: Re: How can I mix GFDL and GPL sources?

"Gueven Bay" <guevenbay@web.de> schrieb am 02.05.05 15:17:08:
 Lewis Jardine <debian@catbox.co.uk> schrieb am 02.05.05 14:54:31:
 > Gueven Bay wrote:
 > > Now, I am confused. 
 > > 
 > > If I understand the above right, then it is permitted to take a text of wikipedia 
 > > and redistribute it under the GPL? But the first answer to my post was negative ?
 > Sorry about all this. My observation was pedantic, not particularly 
 > relevant, and has introduced needless confusion.
 > The GPL does not grant permission to distribute under the GFDL, nor does 
 > the GFDL grant permission to distribute under the GPL.
 > If the legal copyright holder(s) licenses the work under both, then 
 > legal recipients can distribute under both, one, or the other. If you 
 > can find the author(s) of the text you're wanting to reproduce from 
 > Wikipedia, and get them to agree to a license under the GPL, then that 
 > would allow you to legally incorporate the GFDL text.
 > I apologise for all the confusion I've caused.
 > ----you can ignore this bit----
 > It was implied that you can't /ever/ distribute under both the GPL and 
 > the GFDL; you can, but only if you are (or have permission from) all of 
 > the copyright holders. The licenses do, however, prevent you from 
 > mandating that recipients distribute the work under both licenses (this 
 > would be an additional restriction on both licenses); you have to give 
 > them permission to use one, the other, or both, at their option.
 > ----you can ignore this bit----
 > -- 
 > Lewis Jardine
 So, thanks for solving my questions/problems.
 Gueven Bay

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