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Re: ocaml & QPL : Clause 3b in question now.

>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Palmer <mpalmer@debian.org> writes:

    >> Well, and ? you distribute something under the BSD, someone use
    >> it and sells it under a proprietary version, how is this fairer
    >> ? And how is it fairer as

    Matthew> Because I can do the same thing too.  Everybody has the
    Matthew> same rights.

The DFSG does not require that everyone have the same rights.  It
simply requires that everyone have the same license.  For example the
TEX license gives you significantly more rights depending on your
name; look at the copyright on tex.web some time.  I don't seem to
have a copy handy here.

The QPL doesn't work this way; the QPL grants a separate license for
the modifications.  I believe it could be rewritten to have the same
effect while keeping everything under the same license.

I do accept that the question of fairness is interesting, but I think
we need to approach it from the standpoint of arguments about basic
freedoms not from the standpoint of the current DFSG.

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