Re: Question about DFSG and a THC project
>>>>> "Jacobo" == Jacobo Tarrio <> writes:
Jacobo> O Martes, 20 de Abril de 2004 ás 13:52:19 -0700, Jake Appelbaum escribía:
Jacobo> Let this be my first try at a license analysis in d-l :)
>> 5. In all other respects the GPL 2.0 applies
Jacobo> Oh, a nonconsistent license (places additional restrictions on the GPL,
Jacobo> fine for the original author but not for would-be distributors of the work),
Jacobo> thus undistributable.
No, I think this is consistent, just GPL incompatible and non-free.
He's saying that his license is the GPL with the provided differences
applied. He can do that; he is not violating the GPL's copyright by
modifying it and he is allowed to make these license restrictions
although they may not all be enforcable.
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