Re: Question about DFSG and a THC project
Jake Appelbaum <> writes:
> LICENCE FOR HYDRA (all version)
> by van Hauser <>
> 1. This software comes with no warrenty or promised features. If it
> works for you - fine. It just comes "AS-IS", which means as a bunch of
> bits and bytes.
This may ban distribution in, for example, analog media.
> 2. Anyone may use this software and pass it on to other persons or
> companies as long as it is not charged for! (except for a small
> transfer/medium fee)
This certainly bans for-profit distribution, and probably at-cost
distribution on expensive media.
> 3. This tool may *NOT* be used for illegal purpose. Please check the law
> which affects your doing. I will have got no liability for any damage
> etc. done with this tool legally or illegaly.
> 4. If this tool is used while providing a commercial service (e.g. as
> part of a penetration test) the report has to state the tools name and
> version, and additionally the author (van Hauser) and the distribution
> homepage (
This effectively prohibits creation of derivative works which are not
report-generating penetration testers, and imposes a requirement on
other works (i.e., the report).
> 5. In all other respects the GPL 2.0 applies
> The LISCENSE.GNU is the standard GPL 2.0
> So my questions regarding this package should be pretty obvious by this
> point.
> Is this even possible to package this and hope to get it into Debian?
Non in main, maybe not in non-free.
> Or would this just be considered non-free?
> Should I email the upstream author and ask if he can remove those
> additional restrictions to facilitate his project becoming a Debian
> package?
You may wish to ask him if he's using any code written by others and
covered by the GPL: if so, he is violating the copyrights of those others.
> Thanks in advance!
> Best,
Brian Sniffen
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